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Unbroken en

Unbroken en

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REPORTERS - Єдиний в Україні друкований журнал літературного репортажу. Наша місія — шукати смисли поміж фактами. Наше поле — людські історії

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How the collaboration between the public sector, hospital, city, and donors is becoming a true support system. This place sets the pace for all of Ukrainian medicine. Here, people are saved, rehabilitated, and fitted with prosthetics.

There is the story of Olena, a teacher who was struck in the face by a fragment of a Russian missile, yet found the strength to show other women how beautiful they are.

Or the former doctor who, after being wounded on the frontlines, became a patient himself and committed to his rehabilitation, determined to return to the military within a year.

And nine-year-old Romchyk, who proved stronger than the largest country in the world, with all its rage and missiles. He continues his rehabilitation and dreams of one day playing the bayan for his doctors.

10 powerful stories about the doctors and patients of the National Rehabilitation Center UNBROKEN, which emerged amidst the war to meet its challenges. These stories were written by Ukrainian authors and journalists: Marichka Paplauskaite, Irena Karpa, Yevheniia Podobna, Larysa Denysenko, Khrystyna Kotsira, Khrystyna Shalak, Olena Livitska, Iryna Slavinska, and Lyuba Yakimchuk.

The stories are illustrated with portrait photos by Sasha Maslov, a Ukrainian photographer who works for The New York Times and New York Magazine.

*The special pre-order price is valid until September 23, 2024.
15% of sales will be donated to the UNBROKEN KIDS Rehabilitation Center. Get your copy.

This special issue was created in partnership with the National Rehabilitation Center UNBROKEN, with support from Kyivstar company.