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Photography Book How we walk through the fire


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Two years of full-scale war captured in a photography book by Reporters, featuring 190 documentary shots taken between February 2022 and February 2024. Photographers such as Danylo Pavlov, Evgeniy Maloletka, Serhii Korovainyi, Viacheslav Ratynskyi, and nearly 40 others have contributed their work to this project.
Published in a hardcover format, the photobook showcases all the captivating images from the English-language special issue of Reporters magazine, along with new photos documenting the ongoing struggle of Ukrainians in the latest phase of the Russian-Ukrainian war.
Scheduled for printing at the end of April, you have the opportunity to pre-order the Reporters photobook with a 20% discount until March 20. After this date, the special price will be exclusively available to The Ukrainians Media Community members.
Don't miss out. Place your order now. We ship worldwide.